Blog Archive


" Charlie Sheen drops lawsuit Corey Haim "Addressing the crisis of sexual abuse in Guatemala " "Corey Feldman accuses Charlie Sheen of raping Corey Haim in documentary..." "Gabby Douglas says she was among sexual abuse victims of USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar "Ghislaine Maxwell is ARRESTED in New Hampshire "Good Samaritan in Costa Rica brutally stabbed after posting viral video of sex aggressor " "Indian brides given wooden paddles to hit abusive husbands "Lake Forest pastor’s son sentenced for molesting two girls "NYPD captain says he is 'not too worried' "Time to shut down Pornhub "USA Gymnastics board resigns over sexual abuse scandal " #HumanTraffickingAwarenessDay #TheManWhoKnewTooMuch "Jeffrey Epstein ' ''Coachella Valley Unified school bus driver charged with molesting 3 girls" A priest accused of molesting more than 80 boys Australian Salvation Army Boy Beaten Almost to Death for Taking Piece of Cake California university bans fraternity Cologne Germany police DAESH TERRORISTS R SEX ADDICTS? "Laptops recovered from ISIS are filled 'up to 80%' with PORN EGYPT:"Television program addresses domestic abuse" EVEN WEINSTEIN's OWN LAWYERS ARE TURNING AGAINST HIM LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE "Jayme Closs kidnapper SOME EVIL STUDENTS CAN BE VERY CRUEL Mill Valley teacher alleges sexual harassment by students" WILL THEY EVER FORGIVE THIS FORMER STANFORD STUDENT Why Did Vanity Fair Sit On Allegations Against Epstein For 17 Years? " angeline jolie bob hewitt tennis star cult leader arrested duggars ex-boy scout fact-check 58000 abducted kindness speaks up re domestic violence rape abuse and incest national network RAINN reason that Netflix is sexualizing young girls stephen collins teaching men to tell me he had killed a child molester. woman raped as crowd watches

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Disgusting 👎"we know why it’s drag queens & why it’s children.

Disgusting 👎"we know why it's drag queens & why it's children. It's not so much the regime is trying to groom children to become catamites; but bewilderment. They want to scramble the inner compass & inculcate disorientation. confusion is the message..."

Thursday, December 15, 2022

"Michigan sheriff says man with filed-down teeth kidnapped and sexually assaulted woman for 3 weeks"

"After the nurses alerted authorities to the woman's need, police raided the home and arrested Barajas on multiple charges, including human trafficking, kidnapping, sexual assault, possession of methamphetamine and ecstasy and other charges._

Thursday, April 15, 2021

"Former California 'Very Progressive' Democrat Mayor Arrested For Child Sex Crimes...

  "Former California 'Very Progressive' Democrat Mayor Arrested For Child Sex Crimes...Former Democrat Mayor of Sebastopol in Sonoma County, California was arrested and charged Tuesday with 11 felony child sex crimes..Robert Jacob, an openly gay progressive cannabis businessman...". 

Saturday, May 23, 2020

NOT THE ANSWER 👎"Jim contacted me yesterday afternoon to tell me he had killed a child molester. He ..

NOT THE ANSWER 👎"Jim contacted me yesterday afternoon to tell me he had killed a child molester. He said he was in preparation of turning himself in and he had sent an email already to the police department," Tamayo said. "He was ready to take full responsibility for it, he knew what the consequences were." 

Saturday, February 22, 2020

"On this #HumanTraffickingAwarenessDay, let's pray for the victims of sex trafficking & for an end to all sexual abuse."

Human Life Alliance (@humanlife) tweeted :

"On this #HumanTraffickingAwarenessDay, let's pray for the victims of sex trafficking & for an end to all sexual abuse.

Read more in HLA's newest global edition of She's a Child, Not a Choice: "

#humanTrafficking #humanRights #prolife

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

"Pastor, 60, is found guilty of multiple rapes against children and adults in his congregation |...Jurors heard that Oluronbi was linked to a Christian church in Edgbaston, Birmingham - the Cherubim and Seraphim Church - whose roots were in Nigeria. He set up on his own splinter group for about 40 adults and children - separate to the church and located at another address - where he began a practice of 'spiritual bathing'.The offences took place in Birmingham and London."

  "Pastor, 60, is found guilty of multiple rapes against children and adults in his congregation |...Jurors heard that Oluronbi was linked to a Christian church in Edgbaston, Birmingham - the Cherubim and Seraphim Church - whose roots were in Nigeria.
He set up on his own splinter group for about 40 adults and children - separate to the church and located at another address - where he began a practice of 'spiritual bathing'.The offences took place in Birmingham and London." 

Friday, October 4, 2019

SOME KEEP COMMITTING CRIMES "Unsupervised accused priests teach, counsel, adopt children "

in their time since leaving the church, dozens have committed crimes, including sexual assault and possessing child pornography, the AP's analysis found.
A recent push by Roman Catholic dioceses across the U.S. to publish the names of those it considers to be credibly accused has opened a window into the daunting problem of how to monitor and track priests who often were never criminally charged and, in many cases, were removed from or left the church to live as private citizens..."

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Saturday, August 10, 2019

"Jeffrey Epstein Repeatedly Refused to Answer Questions About Sex Trafficking Ring He Allegedly Orchestrated: Documents ...Epstein replied “Fifth,” as he did to numerous other questions, citing the constitutional amendment protecting people against incriminating themselves. He also was asked whether Maxwell was “one of the main women” he used to procure underage girls for sexual activities. “Fifth,” he replied."

"Jeffrey Epstein Repeatedly Refused to Answer Questions About Sex Trafficking Ring He Allegedly Orchestrated: Documents ...Epstein replied "Fifth," as he did to numerous other questions, citing the constitutional amendment protecting people against incriminating themselves.
He also was asked whether Maxwell was "one of the main women" he used to procure underage girls for sexual activities.
"Fifth," he replied."

TIP of the ICEBERG . HE KNEW TOO MUCH "Epstein accuser named former governor, senator in testimony: prosecutors ...A woman testified that Jeffrey Epstein sent her to have sex while she was underage with former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson (D) and former Sen. George Mitchell (D-Maine), allegations the two men deny."

Friday, August 9, 2019

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

NOT ROBERT REDFORD. THE OTHER GUY "Sundance co-founder gets at least 6 years in sex abuse case "

"Van Wagenen co-founded a Utah film festival that came to be known as Sundance Film Festival with Robert Redford and was the Sundance Institute's founding executive director, but hasn't been with the organization for more than 20 years."

Saturday, May 25, 2019

"Naomi Wolf Learns on Live Radio She's Made a Huge Error in Latest Book"

" The BBC interviewer alerted her to the fact that all the cases she had cited as evidence of state persecution of homosexual "love" appeared to be nonconsensual. And Silver's case was particularly egregious – it involved a six-year-old boy..."

Monday, February 18, 2019

A priest accused of molesting more than 80 boys

@FRANCE24 8h
"By the Grace of God": A priest accused of molesting more than 80 boys wanted the film barred from French cinemas until after his trial. But, today, a French court rejected his attempt. #SexualAssault #CatholicChurch #cinema

Friday, December 28, 2018

"Orange County Pastor Accused of Child Molestation in Escondido; Police Seek Potential Additional Victims "

"John Rodgers McFarland, 66, of Fullerton was arrested Dec. 18 in Escondido on suspicion of molesting an underage girl, according to Escondido and Fountain Valley police officials. Details of the allegation against him were not available Friday afternoon..."

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

CRAZY STORY , INCONCEIVABLE "How Kellen Winslow II went from NFL star to accused serial rapist"

"He is facing eight felony counts, which include kidnapping and raping two homeless women in their 50s and raping an unconscious, 17-year-old female in 2003 when Winslow was 19. USA TODAY Sports does not identify alleged victims of sexual assault.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

SOME EVIL STUDENTS CAN BE VERY CRUEL (I was a victim too) "Mill Valley teacher alleges sexual harassment by students"

"Teachers have an annual training," she said Monday. "Why not students, too?"
She told the board that efforts need to be made to face the issue, because kids see it every day on social media.
"Inaction is an ..."


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

HEARTWRENCHING: "Boy beaten to death with hammer trying to protect younger sister from child abuser "


" If u declare with your mouth,
“Jesus is Lord,” &
 believe in your  
that God
 raised Him
 from the dead, 
u will be saved." 
                                            Romans 10.9

GREETINGS ! I INVITE U2 accept JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD & SAVIOR TODAY, RIGHT NOW, OR ANYTIME, & BE SAVED ! Don't wait until it is TOO LATE. Don't Hesitate. The consequences are TOO GREAT.! Humble yourself. You CANNOT do it alone. None of us can. Guaranteed 100% FAILURE RATE for those who try to GO IT ALONE. Kneel down now and say to Jesus, "Sorry & Thank you, I surrender to YOU, LORD, & Commit my LIFE 2 U, now & forever" 

Saturday, August 26, 2017

GURU CONVICTED OF RAPE "Uneasy calm after 32 die in India riots over guru verdict " Boston Herald

After a court declared the sect leader guilty of raping two of his followers 15 years ago, mobs on Friday set fire to government buildings, vandalized bus stations and government vehicles, and attacked police officers and TV journalists in the town of Panchkula, 250 kilometers..."



Friday, July 7, 2017

DESPICABLE "Woman who made up bogus rape claims against 15 men, including one jailed for two years, convicted" - NZ Herald

She would even injure herself and use self-inflicted cuts and bruises against the 15 victims she falsely accused of sex attacks - including one who fled the country with his life in tatters.
The 25-year-old insisted she


Saturday, June 17, 2017

Breaking, JUDGE DECLARES MISTRIAL : "Bill Cosby Beats Rape Case; Prosecutors Promise to Try Again"

"After more than 50 hours of deliberation, 12 jurors were unable to reach a consensus on whether he sexually assaulted Andrea Constand after allegedly drugging her in 2004. A judge declared a mistrial in the case on Saturday morning, but prosecutors immediately announced they would retry the 79-year-old comedian...."


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

"US actor Ashton Kutcher urges end to child sexual exploitation" - BBC News

He said that one of the tools his organisation had created, Spotlight, helped identify 6,000 victims in six months. It was developed after a 2012 survey found that 63% of underage victims were being bought..."

Thursday, December 22, 2016

"Why Native American women still have the highest rates of rape and assault " High Country News

"For Native American Women, Scourge of Rape, Rare Justice -"

"New law offers protection to abused Native American women" - The Washington Post

"The New Trail of Tears: How Washington Is Destroying American Indians"

"Native American Women Are Rape Targets Because of a Legislative Loophole" - VICE

"Prosecutions in Indian Country Sexual Abuse " USAO | Department of Justice

"The Shocking Rates Of Violence And Abuse Facing Native American Kids"

Saturday, December 10, 2016

THAT IS REALLY A LOWDOWN SLEAZY TACTIC BY PUTIN IF TRUE "Foes of Russia Say Child Pornography Is Planted to Ruin Them -"

"The whole affair is Kafkaesque," Mr. Bukovsky said in an interview. "You not only have to prove you are not guilty but that you are innocent." He insisted that he was the victim of a new and particularly noxious form of an old K.G.B. dirty trick known as kompromat, the fabrication and planting of compromising or illegal material...."

Sunday, November 27, 2016

"Cops worldwide team up against predators"

"INTERPOL has been central to ensuring the global response to child sexual abuse is focused on protecting victims, and from the beginning it has been an essential partner for the WePROTECT Global Alliance. I am grateful for the part it will play as we continue to galvanize global action," she said...."


Thursday, November 24, 2016

POWER OF PRAYER "Fighting a prayer war for women and children " Mission Network News

"Her book, Prayer for Crowned Jewels, is a 30 day prayer guide to help people pray for women and children who have become targets of violence and abuse... "
